Radial Basis Function Networks

What are Radial Basis Function Networks?

Radial Basis Function Networks (RBFNs) are a type of artificial neural network that use radial basis functions as activation functions. They are a variant of feedforward neural networks and have been widely used for various applications, including function approximation, time series prediction, classification, and system control. RBFNs are particularly known for their ability to approximate complex, nonlinear mappings from inputs to outputs.

Structure of Radial Basis Function Networks

An RBFN typically consists of three layers: an input layer, a hidden layer, and an output layer. The input layer is responsible for receiving the input signals, while the hidden layer transforms the input space into a higher-dimensional space where linear separation is possible. The output layer then combines these transformations to produce the final output.

The hidden layer in an RBFN contains a number of neurons, each associated with a radial basis function. The most commonly used radial basis function is the Gaussian function, although other functions like multiquadric and inverse multiquadric can also be used. The Gaussian function is defined as:

φ(x) = exp(-||x - μ||² / (2*σ²))

where x is the input vector, μ is the center of the neuron in the input space, and σ is the spread of the radial basis function.

The output layer is usually composed of linear neurons, where the output is a weighted sum of the hidden layer activations.

Learning in Radial Basis Function Networks

Training an RBFN involves determining the parameters of the radial basis functions in the hidden layer and the weights of the connections to the output layer. The training process usually consists of two steps:

  1. Unsupervised Learning: The centers μ of the radial basis functions are determined. This can be done using clustering techniques like the k-means algorithm to find cluster centers in the input space that serve as the centers of the radial basis functions.
  2. Supervised Learning: Once the centers are fixed, the weights connecting the hidden layer to the output layer are learned using a supervised learning technique. This is often done using a linear least squares method, which finds the weights that minimize the difference between the actual outputs and the predicted outputs of the network.

One of the advantages of RBFNs is that the unsupervised learning step tends to be fast and can often find a suitable representation of the input space without requiring a large number of training samples.

Advantages of Radial Basis Function Networks

RBFNs have several advantages that make them suitable for various applications:

  • Universal Approximation: RBFNs have the capability to approximate any continuous function to any desired degree of accuracy, given enough hidden neurons.
  • Fast Training: The training process of RBFNs can be faster than other neural networks, especially when the centers of the radial basis functions are determined using efficient clustering methods.
  • Interpretability: The structure of RBFNs can be more interpretable compared to other neural networks since the radial basis functions have clear centers and spreads that define localized responses in the input space.

Challenges with Radial Basis Function Networks

Despite their advantages, RBFNs also come with challenges:

  • Selection of Centers: The choice of centers and the number of radial basis functions can significantly affect the performance of the network. Poor selection can lead to overfitting or underfitting.
  • Fixed Spread: Determining the optimal spread σ of the radial basis functions can be difficult. If the spread is too small, the network can become overly sensitive to noise. If it's too large, the network may not capture the complexity of the data.
  • Scalability: RBFNs can become computationally expensive as the number of inputs or the number of centers increases.

Applications of Radial Basis Function Networks

RBFNs have been successfully applied in various domains, such as:

  • Function Approximation: RBFNs can approximate complex nonlinear functions, which is useful in modeling and control systems.
  • Pattern Recognition: Due to their classification capabilities, RBFNs can be used for recognizing patterns and classifying data.
  • Time Series Prediction: RBFNs can capture temporal dependencies in data, making them suitable for forecasting in financial markets or weather prediction.


Radial Basis Function Networks are powerful tools for approximating nonlinear functions and solving complex classification and regression problems. Their structure, inspired by biological neural systems, allows them to learn and generalize from data effectively. While they have certain limitations, RBFNs continue to be a valuable asset in the machine learning toolkit, especially when the task involves function approximation or when interpretability is a key concern.

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