Graph convolutional networks and their variants have shown significant
A key component of many graph neural networks (GNNs) is the pooling
Graph convolutional networks (GCNs) have proven to be an effective appro...
In human pose estimation methods based on graph convolutional architectu...
Self-attention is of vital importance in semantic segmentation as it ena...
Previous virtual try-on methods usually focus on aligning a clothing ite...
Estimating a 3D human pose has proven to be a challenging task, primaril...
Semi-supervised learning (SSL) has proven to be effective at leveraging
The U-Net architecture, built upon the fully convolutional network, has
We introduce a new dataset called Synthetic COVID-19 Chest X-ray Dataset...
Bone age is an important measure for assessing the skeletal and biologic...
The performance levels of a computing machine running a given workload
Internet of Things (IoT) sensors in smart buildings are becoming increas...
Graph convolutional networks learn effective node embeddings that have p...
Graph convolution is a fundamental building block for many deep neural
Motivated by the lack of publicly available datasets of chest radiograph...
Skin lesion datasets consist predominantly of normal samples with only a...
3D models of humans are commonly used within computer graphics and visio...
In this paper, we present a spectral graph wavelet approach for shape
Spectral shape descriptors have been used extensively in a broad spectru...
We propose a nonrigid registration approach for diffusion tensor images ...