Fingerprint feature extraction is a task that is solved using either a g...
Typical fingerprint recognition systems are comprised of a spoof detecti...
Mutual information (MI) is an information-theoretic measure of dependenc...
Video Prediction is an interesting and challenging task of predicting fu...
We present a novel Multi Relational Graph Convolutional Network (MRGCN) ...
Understanding on-road vehicle behaviour from a temporal sequence of sens...
Learning to mimic the smooth and deliberate camera movement of a human
Spoof detectors are classifiers that are trained to distinguish spoof
While several datasets for autonomous navigation have become available i...
Binarization is an extreme network compression approach that provides la...
Deep neural networks are highly effective at a range of computational ta...
In this paper, we design and evaluate a convolutional autoencoder that
Deep Neural Networks, while being unreasonably effective for several vis...
Person recognition methods that use multiple body regions have shown