Table answering questions from business documents has many challenges th...
Image-based table recognition is a challenging task due to the diversity...
Most of the previous methods for table recognition rely on training data...
Knowledge graph embedding aims to predict the missing relations between
Kernel segmentation aims at partitioning a data sequence into several
Matrix factorization (MF) is a common method for collaborative filtering...
Knowledge graph completion is an important task that aims to predict the...
The trends of open science have enabled several open scholarly datasets ...
Matrix factorization (MF) is one of the most efficient methods for ratin...
Knowledge graph is a popular format for representing knowledge, with man...
Shopping transaction analysis is important for understanding the shoppin...
Shopping basket data analysis is significant in understanding the shoppi...
Matrix factorization is one of the most efficient approaches in recommen...
Collaborative filtering is the most popular approach for recommender sys...
The tree inclusion problem is, given two node-labeled trees P and T (the...