In multisite trials, statistical goals often include obtaining individua...
We provide a novel characterization of augmented balancing weights, also...
Research documents that Black patients experience worse general surgery
We study balancing weight estimators, which reweight outcomes from a sou...
The idea of covariate balance is at the core of causal inference. Invers...
Gun violence is a critical public safety concern in the United States. I...
Multisite trials, in which treatment is randomized separately in multipl...
Assessing sensitivity to unmeasured confounding is an important step in
A pressing challenge in modern survey research is to find calibration we...
To limit the spread of the novel coronavirus, governments across the wor...
Policy responses to COVID-19, particularly those related to
In a pilot study during the 2016-17 admissions cycle, the University of
Comparing outcomes across hospitals, often to identify underperforming
Staggered adoption of policies by different units at different times cre...
Interference exists when a unit's outcome depends on another unit's trea...
A growing number of methods aim to assess the challenging question of
Measuring the effect of peers on individual outcomes is a challenging
The synthetic control method (SCM) is a popular approach for estimating ...
A fundamental challenge in observational causal inference is that assump...
On a variety of complex decision-making tasks, from doctors prescribing
Randomized trials are often conducted with separate randomizations acros...
Causal inference in observational settings typically rests on a pair of