3D face reconstruction algorithms from images and videos are applied to ...
Machine-learning models can be fooled by adversarial examples, i.e.,
Among Bayesian methods, Monte-Carlo dropout provides principled tools fo...
Reinforcement learning allows machines to learn from their own experienc...
Adversarial reprogramming allows stealing computational resources by
While machine learning is vulnerable to adversarial examples, it still l...
Machine learning algorithms are increasingly being applied in
Sponge examples are test-time inputs carefully-optimized to increase ene...
Adversarial patches are optimized contiguous pixel blocks in an input im...
The diffusion of fingerprint verification systems for security applicati...
This paper sustains the position that the time has come for thinking of
Adversarial reprogramming allows repurposing a machine-learning model to...
Evaluating robustness of machine-learning models to adversarial examples...
Backdoor attacks inject poisoning samples during training, with the goal...
Defending machine learning models from adversarial attacks is still a
One of the most concerning threats for modern AI systems is data poisoni...
Evaluating adversarial robustness amounts to finding the minimum perturb...
We present a novel descriptor for crowd behavior analysis and anomaly
Recent work has shown that adversarial Windows malware samples - also
We investigated the threat level of realistic attacks using latent
Adversarial attacks on machine learning-based classifiers, along with de...
Pattern recognition and machine learning techniques have been increasing...
Machine-learning algorithms trained on features extracted from static co...
Windows malware detectors based on machine learning are vulnerable to
The boosting on the need of security notably increased the amount of pos...
Despite the impressive performances reported by deep neural networks in
Software product line (SPL) engineers put a lot of effort to ensure that...
Face presentation attacks have become a major threat to face recognition...
Recent work has shown that deep-learning algorithms for malware detectio...
Clustering algorithms have become a popular tool in computer security to...
Clustering algorithms have been increasingly adopted in security applica...
Face presentation attack detection (PAD) has become a thorny problem for...
Transferability captures the ability of an attack against a machine-lear...
Ensuring that all supposedly valid configurations of a software product ...
Learning in adversarial settings is becoming an important task for
Machine-learning methods have already been exploited as useful tools for...
Machine-learning models have been recently used for detecting malicious
In several applications, input samples are more naturally represented in...
Learning-based pattern classifiers, including deep networks, have
Deep neural networks have been widely adopted in recent years, exhibitin...
A spoof attack, a subset of presentation attacks, is the use of an artif...
Prior work has shown that multibiometric systems are vulnerable to
Person re-identification consists in recognizing an individual that has