Federated Learning (FL) has emerged as a promising approach for collabor...
For companies developing web-based applications, the Dev and the Ops ref...
Randomised field experiments, such as A/B testing, have long been the go...
Fast and reliable wireless communication has become a critical demand in...
Fast and reliable connectivity is essential to enhancing situational
Randomised field experiments, such as A/B testing, have long been the go...
A/B experimentation is a known technique for data-driven product develop...
A/B testing is gaining attention in the automotive sector as a promising...
Benchmark suites, i.e. a collection of benchmark functions, are widely u...
With the development and the increasing interests in ML/DL fields, compa...
Frequentist statistical methods, such as hypothesis testing, are standar...
Deploying machine-, and in particular deep-learning, (ML/DL) solutions i...