High Performance Computing (HPC) benefits from different improvements du...
Machine learning methods like neural networks are extremely successful a...
Compressing neural network architectures is important to allow the deplo...
The process of optimizing the latency of DNN operators with ML models an...
The vast amounts of data used in social, business or traffic networks,
The success of Deep Artificial Neural Networks (DNNs) in many domains cr...
Machine Learning compilers like TVM allow a fast and flexible deployment...
We present two methods to reduce the complexity of Bayesian network (BN)...
While machine learning techniques are traditionally resource intensive, ...
Non-relational database systems (NRDS), such as graph, document, key-val...
Systolic arrays are a promising computing concept which is in particular...
Characterizing compute kernel execution behavior on GPUs for efficient t...
While machine learning is traditionally a resource intensive task, embed...