Large Pre-trained Transformers exhibit an intriguing capacity for in-con...
Review-Based Recommender Systems (RBRS) have attracted increasing resear...
Neural abstractive summarization has been widely studied and achieved gr...
Group affect refers to the subjective emotion that is evoked by an exter...
Transformers have achieved great success in natural language processing....
A notable challenge in Multi-Document Summarization (MDS) is the
The increasing demand for analyzing the insights in sports has stimulate...
With the successful creation of high-quality image-to-image (Img2Img)
In contrast to traditional online videos, live multi-streaming supports
In the absence of vaccines or medicines to stop COVID-19, one of the
In this paper, we propose a novel normalization method called gradient
In this work, we describe our method for tackling the valence-arousal
This companion paper supports the replication of the fashion trend
Network security has been an active research topic for long. One critica...
Neural abstractive summarization has been studied in many pieces of
The virtual try-on task is so attractive that it has drawn considerable
In this paper, we propose a novel SpatioTemporal convolutional Dense Net...
Facial micro-expressions indicate brief and subtle facial movements that...
Micro-Expression (ME) is the spontaneous, involuntary movement of a face...
Shopping in VR malls has been regarded as a paradigm shift for E-commerc...
With the rapid proliferation of online media sources and published news,...
Future mobile communication networks require an Aerial Base Station (ABS...