In traditional Fog-Radio Access Networks (F-RANs), enhanced remote radio...
In practical cell-free (CF) massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO...
Cell-free (CF) massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) is consider...
A single machine total weighted tardiness minimization (TWTM) problem in...
Indoor multi-robot communications face two key challenges: one is the se...
We investigate a multi-pair two-way decode-andforward relaying aided mas...
In physical-layer security, one of the most fundamental issues is the se...
A ground-to-air free-space optical link is studied for a hovering unmann...
Relay-assisted free-space optical (FSO) communication systems are exploi...
Sparse channel estimation for massive multiple-input multiple-output sys...
Novel sparse reconstruction algorithms are proposed for beamspace channe...
Ultrasonic intra-body communication (IBC) is a promising enabling techno...
Channel capacity bounds are derived for a point-to-point indoor visible ...
We analyze a secure two-hop mixed radio frequency (RF) and underwater
We analyze the secrecy performance of a two-hop mixed radio frequency
Covert transmission is studied for an intelligent reflecting surface (IR...
Underwater wireless optical communication is one of the critical technol...
For millimeter-wave (mmWave) massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIM...
Multi-hop device-to-device (D2D) communication-aided decentralized conte...
This work investigates fault-resilient federated learning when the data
A novel dimming control scheme, termed as generalized dimming control (G...
Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface (RIS) can create favorable multipath ...
Secrecy transmission is investigated for a cooperative jamming scheme, w...
User scheduling, beamforming and energy coordination are investigated in...
The statistical characterization of the sum of random variables (RVs) ar...
In the small-cell networks (SCNs) with multiple small-cell base stations...
In the small-cell networks with multiple-input-single-output broadcastin...
The privacy concern exists when the central server has the copies of
A major challenge to implement compressed sensing method for channel sta...
The model-based power allocation algorithm has been investigated for dec...
Deep learning (DL) based autoencoder is a promising architecture to impl...
The joint design of beamforming vector and artificial noise covariance m...
This paper presents a detailed secrecy outage performance analysis of
The joint design of beamforming vector and artificial noise covariance m...
This paper investigates the physical-layer security for an indoor visibl...
In this paper, we consider the secure transmission design for a
A unified capacity analysis of a free-space optical (FSO) link that acco...
With the maturity of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) technology, this work...
One promising approach to address the supply-demand mismatch between the...
Non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) has attracted much recent attentio...
Security is a critical issue in full duplex (FD) communication systems d...