Dynamic symbolic execution (DSE) suffers from path explosion problem whe...
The problem of identifying the k-Nearest Neighbors (kNNS) of a point has...
General Purpose computing on Graphical Processing Units (GPGPU) has resu...
Binary analysis is an important capability required for many security an...
Distributed agreement-based (DAB) systems use common distributed agreeme...
Sparse tensor algebra computations have become important in many real-wo...
GPGPUs use the Single-Instruction-Multiple-Thread (SIMT) execution model...
Recent work showed that compiling functional programs to use dense,
As the demand for machine learning-based inference increases in tandem w...
Cryptographic techniques have the potential to enable distrusting partie...
The last two decades have seen an explosive growth in the theory and pra...
Inspired by distributed applications that use consensus or other agreeme...
Programmers make building distributed systems tractable by using a wide
Federated learning enables machine learning models to learn from private...
A set of about 80 researchers, practitioners, and federal agency program...
Applications in many domains are based on a series of traversals of tree...