Social distance games have been extensively studied as a coalition forma...
In this paper, we give a very simple proof that Treewidth is NP-complete...
For many problems, the important instances from practice possess certain...
Given an undirected graph G=(V,E), vertices s,t∈ V, and an integer k,
Hedonic diversity games are a variant of the classical Hedonic games des...
For a constant d, the d-Path Vertex Cover problem (d-PVC) is as
Consider a vertex-weighted graph G with a source s and a target t.
In this paper we study the kernelization of d-Path Vertex Cover (d-PVC)
Inspired by the famous Target Set Selection problem, we propose a new
The Minimum Eccentricity Shortest Path Problem consists in finding a sho...
In the Waypoint Routing Problem one is given an undirected
capacitated a...
We consider the subgraph isomorphism problem where, given two graphs G
The problem of d-Path Vertex Cover, d-PVC lies in determining a subset
We study the NP-hard graph problem Collapsed k-Core where, given an
In the Directed Steiner Network problem we are given an arc-weighted dig...
In classical Cluster Editing we seek to transform a given graph into a