Quantization and pruning are known to be two effective Deep Neural Netwo...
Given a text, rank and select queries return the number of occurrences o...
A tournament graph T = (V, E ) is an oriented complete graph,
which can ...
Suppose an oracle knows a string S that is unknown to us and we want to
Given an integer array A, the prefix-sum problem is to answer sum(i) que...
Query Auto-Completion (QAC) is an ubiquitous feature of modern textual s...
The representation of a dynamic ordered set of n integer keys drawn from...
The data structure at the core of large-scale search engines is the inve...
The sheer increase in volume of RDF data demands efficient solutions for...
This paper deals with the two fundamental problems concerning the handli...
The ubiquitous Variable-Byte encoding is considered one of the fastest