Multimodal emotion recognition (MER) aims to detect the emotional status...
High-quality data is essential for conversational recommendation systems...
Recently, the contrastive language-image pre-training, e.g., CLIP, has
Humans often speak in a continuous manner which leads to coherent and
Dialogue state tracking (DST) aims to convert the dialogue history into
Disentanglement of a speaker's timbre and style is very important for st...
Hybrid question answering (HQA) aims to answer questions over heterogene...
Traditional end-to-end task-oriented dialog systems first convert dialog...
Question answering requiring discrete reasoning, e.g., arithmetic comput...
This study investigates the task of knowledge-based question generation
A typical end-to-end task-oriented dialog system transfers context into
End-to-end Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) models are usually trained...
With the development of the Internet, more and more people get accustome...
Reasoning machine reading comprehension (R-MRC) aims to answer complex
Existing conversational recommendation (CR) systems usually suffer from
Conversational artificial intelligence (ConvAI) systems have attracted m...
Existing pre-trained language models (PLMs) have demonstrated the
Context modeling plays a critical role in building multi-turn dialogue
This paper aims to enhance the few-shot relation classification especial...
Product attribute values are essential in many e-commerce scenarios, suc...
Human conversations in real scenarios are complicated and building a
Human conversations in real scenarios are complicated and building a
We present a novel real-time, collaborative, and interactive AI painting...