A Classification of Functions in Multiterminal Distributed Computing

by   Shun Watanabe, et al.

In the distributed function computation problem, dichotomy theorems, initiated by Han-Kobayashi, seek to classify functions by whether the rate regions for function computation improve on the Slepian-Wolf regions or not. In this paper, we develop a general approach to derive converse bounds on the distributed function computation problem. By using this approach, we recover the sufficiency part, i.e. the conditions such that the Slepian-Wolf regions become optimal, of the known dichotomy theorems in the two-terminal distributed computing. Furthermore, we derive an improved sufficient condition on the dichotomy theorem in the multiterminal distributed computing for the class of i.i.d. sources with positivity condition. Finally, we derive the matching sufficient and necessary condition on the dichotomy theorem in the multiterminal distributed computing for the class of smooth sources.


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