A Comprehensive Test Pattern Generation Approach Exploiting SAT Attack for Logic Locking

by   Yadi Zhong, et al.

The need for reducing manufacturing defect escape in today's safety-critical applications requires increased fault coverage. However, generating a test set using commercial automatic test pattern generation (ATPG) tools that lead to zero-defect escape is still an open problem. It is challenging to detect all stuck-at faults to reach 100 security community has been actively involved in developing solutions for logic locking to prevent IP piracy. Locks (e.g., XOR gates) are inserted in different locations of the netlist so that an adversary cannot determine the secret key. Unfortunately, the Boolean satisfiability (SAT) based attack, introduced in [1], can break different logic locking schemes in minutes. In this paper, we propose a novel test pattern generation approach using the powerful SAT attack on logic locking. A stuck-at fault is modeled as a locked gate with a secret key. Our modeling of stuck-at faults preserves the property of fault activation and propagation. We show that the input pattern that determines the key is a test for the stuck-at fault. We propose two different approaches for test pattern generation. First, a single stuck-at fault is targeted, and a corresponding locked circuit with one key bit is created. This approach generates one test pattern per fault. Second, we consider a group of faults and convert the circuit to its locked version with multiple key bits. The inputs obtained from the SAT tool are the test set for detecting this group of faults. Our approach is able to find test patterns for hard-to-detect faults that were previously failed in commercial ATPG tools. The proposed test pattern generation approach can efficiently detect redundant faults present in a circuit. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach on ITC'99 benchmarks. The results show that we can achieve a perfect fault coverage reaching 100


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