A GRU-based Mixture Density Network for Data-Driven Dynamic Stochastic Programming

by   Xiaoming Li, et al.

The conventional deep learning approaches for solving time-series problem such as long-short term memory (LSTM) and gated recurrent unit (GRU) both consider the time-series data sequence as the input with one single unit as the output (predicted time-series result). Those deep learning approaches have made tremendous success in many time-series related problems, however, this cannot be applied in data-driven stochastic programming problems since the output of either LSTM or GRU is a scalar rather than probability distribution which is required by stochastic programming model. To fill the gap, in this work, we propose an innovative data-driven dynamic stochastic programming (DD-DSP) framework for time-series decision-making problem, which involves three components: GRU, Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) and SP. Specifically, we devise the deep neural network that integrates GRU and GMM which is called GRU-based Mixture Density Network (MDN), where GRU is used to predict the time-series outcomes based on the recent historical data, and GMM is used to extract the corresponding probability distribution of predicted outcomes, then the results will be input as the parameters for SP. To validate our approach, we apply the framework on the car-sharing relocation problem. The experiment validations show that our framework is superior to data-driven optimization based on LSTM with the vehicle average moving lower than LSTM.


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