A Language for Programming Edge Clouds for Next Generation IoT Applications

by   Muthucumaru Maheswaran, et al.

For effective use of edge computing in an IoT application, we need to partition the application into tasks and map them into the cloud, fog (edge server), device levels such that the resources at the different levels are optimally used to meet the overall quality of service requirements. In this paper, we consider four concerns about application-to-fog mapping: task placement at different levels, data filtering to limit network loading, fog fail-over, and data consistency, and reacting to hotspots at the edge. We describe a programming language and middleware we created for edge computing that addresses the above four concerns. The language has a distributed-node programming model that allows programs to be written for a collection of nodes organized into a cloud, fog, device hierarchy. The paper describes the major design elements of the language and explains the prototype implementation. The unique distributed-node programming model embodied in the language enables new edge-oriented programming patterns that are highly suitable for cognitive or data-intensive edge computing workloads. The paper presents result from an initial evaluation of the language prototype and also a distributed shell and a smart parking app that were developed using the programming language.


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