A Map of Diverse Synthetic Stable Roommates Instances
Focusing on Stable Roommates (SR) instances, we contribute to the toolbox for conducting experiments for stable matching problems. We introduce a polynomial-time computable pseudometric to measure the similarity of SR instances, analyze its properties, and use it to create a map of SR instances. This map visualizes 460 synthetic SR instances (each sampled from one of ten different statistical cultures) as follows: Each instance is a point in the plane, and two points are close on the map if the corresponding SR instances are similar to each other. Subsequently, we conduct several exemplary experiments and depict their results on the map, illustrating the map's usefulness as a non-aggregate visualization tool, the diversity of our generated dataset, and the need to use instances sampled from different statistical cultures. Lastly, to demonstrate that our framework can also be used for other matching problems under preference, we create and analyze a map of Stable Marriage instances.