A Pragmatic Methodology for Blind Hardware Trojan Insertion in Finalized Layouts

by   Alexander Hepp, et al.

A potential vulnerability for integrated circuits (ICs) is the insertion of hardware trojans (HTs) during manufacturing. Understanding the practicability of such an attack can lead to appropriate measures for mitigating it. In this paper, we demonstrate a pragmatic framework for analyzing HT susceptibility of finalized layouts. Our framework is representative of a fabrication-time attack, where the adversary is assumed to have access only to a layout representation of the circuit. The framework inserts trojans into tapeout-ready layouts utilizing an Engineering Change Order (ECO) flow. The attacked security nodes are blindly searched utilizing reverse-engineering techniques. For our experimental investigation, we utilized three crypto-cores (AES-128, SHA-256, and RSA) and a microcontroller (RISC-V) as targets. We explored 96 combinations of triggers, payloads and targets for our framework. Our findings demonstrate that even in high-density designs, the covert insertion of sophisticated trojans is possible. All this while maintaining the original target logic, with minimal impact on power and performance. Furthermore, from our exploration, we conclude that it is too naive to only utilize placement resources as a metric for HT vulnerability. This work highlights that the HT insertion success is a complex function of the placement, routing resources, the position of the attacked nodes, and further design-specific characteristics. As a result, our framework goes beyond just an attack, we present the most advanced analysis tool to assess the vulnerability of HT insertion into finalized layouts.


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