A surrogate-based optimal likelihood function for the Bayesian calibration of catalytic recombination in atmospheric entry protection materials

by   Anabel del Val, et al.

This work deals with the inference of catalytic recombination parameters from plasma wind tunnel experiments for reusable thermal protection materials. One of the critical factors affecting the performance of such materials is the contribution to the heat flux of the exothermic recombination reactions at the vehicle surface. The main objective of this work is to develop a dedicated Bayesian framework that allows us to compare uncertain measurements with model predictions which depend on the catalytic parameter values. Our framework accounts for uncertainties involved in the model definition and incorporates all measured variables with their respective uncertainties. The physical model used for the estimation consists of a 1D boundary layer solver along the stagnation line. The chemical production term included in the surface mass balance depends on the catalytic recombination efficiency. As not all the different quantities needed to simulate a reacting boundary layer can be measured or known (such as the flow enthalpy at the inlet boundary), we propose an optimization procedure built on the construction of the likelihood function to determine their most likely values based on the available experimental data. This procedure avoids the need to introduce any a priori estimates on the nuisance quantities, namely, the boundary layer edge enthalpy, wall temperatures, static and dynamic pressures, which would entail the use of very wide priors. We substitute the optimal likelihood of the experimental data with a surrogate model to make the inference procedure both faster and more robust. We show that the resulting Bayesian formulation yields meaningful and accurate posterior distributions of the catalytic parameters with a reduction of more than 20 study the implications of an extension of the experimental procedure.


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