A Swarming Approach to Optimize the One-hop Delay in Smart Driving Inter-platoon Communications

by   Qiong Wu, et al.

In this paper, we propose a swarming approach and optimize the one-hop delay for interplatoon communications through adjusting the minimum contention window size of each backbone vehicle in two steps. In the first step, we first set a small enough average one-hop delay as the initial optimization goal and then propose a swarming approach to find a minimum average one-hop delay for inter-platoon communications through adjusting the minimum contention window of each backbone vehicle iteratively. In the second step, we first set the minimum average one-hop delay found in the first step as the initial optimization goal and then adopt the swarming approach again to get the one-hop delay of each backbone vehicle balance to the minimum average one-hop delay. The optimal minimum contention window sizes that get the one-hop delay of each backbone vehicle balance to the minimum average one-hop delay are obtained after the second step. The simulation results indicate that the one-hop delay is optimized and the other performance metrics including end-to-end delay, one-hop throughput and transmission probability are presented by using the optimal minimum contention window sizes.


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