A Technical Report: BUT Speech Translation Systems

by   Hari Krishna Vydana, et al.

The paper describes the BUT's speech translation systems. The systems are English⟶German offline speech translation systems. The systems are based on our previous works <cit.>. Though End-to-End and cascade (ASR-MT) spoken language translation (SLT) systems are reaching comparable performances, a large degradation is observed when translating ASR hypothesis compared to the oracle input text. To reduce this performance degradation, we have jointly-trained ASR and MT modules with ASR objective as an auxiliary loss. Both the networks are connected through the neural hidden representations. This model has an End-to-End differentiable path with respect to the final objective function and also utilizes the ASR objective for better optimization. During the inference both the modules(i.e., ASR and MT) are connected through the hidden representations corresponding to the n-best hypotheses. Ensembling with independently trained ASR and MT models have further improved the performance of the system.


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