Accelerating Secure and Verifiable Data Deletion in Cloud Storage via SGX and Blockchain

by   Xiangman Li, et al.

Secure data deletion enables data owners to fully control the erasure of their data stored on local or cloud data centers and is essential for preventing data leakage, especially for cloud storage. However, traditional data deletion based on unlinking, overwriting, and cryptographic key management either ineffectiveness in cloud storage or rely on unpractical assumption. In this paper, we present SevDel, a secure and verifiable data deletion scheme, which leverages the zero-knowledge proof to achieve the verification of the encryption of the outsourced data without retrieving the ciphertexts, while the deletion of the encryption keys are guaranteed based on Intel SGX. SevDel implements secure interfaces to perform data encryption and decryption for secure cloud storage. It also utilizes smart contract to enforce the operations of the cloud service provider to follow service level agreements with data owners and the penalty over the service provider, who discloses the cloud data on its servers. Evaluation on real-world workload demonstrates that SevDel achieves efficient data deletion verification and maintain high bandwidth savings.


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