Affordance Grounding from Demonstration Video to Target Image

by   Joya Chen, et al.

Humans excel at learning from expert demonstrations and solving their own problems. To equip intelligent robots and assistants, such as AR glasses, with this ability, it is essential to ground human hand interactions (i.e., affordances) from demonstration videos and apply them to a target image like a user's AR glass view. The video-to-image affordance grounding task is challenging due to (1) the need to predict fine-grained affordances, and (2) the limited training data, which inadequately covers video-image discrepancies and negatively impacts grounding. To tackle them, we propose Affordance Transformer (Afformer), which has a fine-grained transformer-based decoder that gradually refines affordance grounding. Moreover, we introduce Mask Affordance Hand (MaskAHand), a self-supervised pre-training technique for synthesizing video-image data and simulating context changes, enhancing affordance grounding across video-image discrepancies. Afformer with MaskAHand pre-training achieves state-of-the-art performance on multiple benchmarks, including a substantial 37


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