Agent vs. Avatar: Comparing Embodied Conversational Agents Concerning Characteristics of the Uncanny Valley

by   Markus Thaler, et al.

Visual appearance is an important aspect influencing the perception and consequent acceptance of Embodied Conversational Agents (ECA). To this end, the Uncanny Valley theory contradicts the common assumption that increased humanization of characters leads to better acceptance. Rather, it shows that anthropomorphic behavior may trigger feelings of eeriness and rejection in people. The work presented in this paper explores whether four different autonomous ECAs, specifically build for a European research project, are affected by this effect, and how they compare to two slightly more realistically looking human-controlled, i.e. face-tracked, ECAs with respect to perceived humanness, eeriness, and attractiveness. Short videos of the ECAs in combination with a validated questionnaire were used to investigate potential differences. Results support existing theories highlighting that increased perceived humanness correlates with increased perceived eeriness. Furthermore, it was found, that neither the gender of survey participants, their age, nor the sex of the ECA influences this effect, and that female ECAs are perceived to be significantly more attractive than their male counterparts.


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