All You Need In Sign Language Production
Sign Language is the dominant form of communication language used in the deaf and hearing-impaired community. To make an easy and mutual communication between the hearing-impaired and the hearing communities, building a robust system capable of translating the spoken language into sign language and vice versa is fundamental. To this end, sign language recognition and production are two necessary parts for making such a two-way system. Sign language recognition and production need to cope with some critical challenges. In this survey, we review recent advances in Sign Language Production (SLP) and related areas using deep learning. To have more realistic perspectives to sign language, we present an introduction to the Deaf culture, Deaf centers, psychological perspective of sign language, the main differences between spoken language and sign language. Furthermore, we present the fundamental components of a bi-directional sign language translation system, discussing the main challenges in this area. Also, the backbone architectures and methods in SLP are briefly introduced and the proposed taxonomy on SLP is presented. Finally, a general framework for SLP and performance evaluation, and also a discussion on the recent developments, advantages, and limitations in SLP, commenting on possible lines for future research are presented.