Approximating Equilibrium under Constrained Piecewise Linear Concave Utilities with Applications to Matching Markets

by   Jugal Garg, et al.

We study the equilibrium computation problem in the Fisher market model with constrained piecewise linear concave (PLC) utilities. This general class captures many well-studied special cases, including markets with PLC utilities, markets with satiation, and matching markets. For the special case of PLC utilities, although the problem is PPAD-hard, Devanur and Kannan (FOCS 2008) gave a polynomial-time algorithm when the number of items is constant. Our main result is a fixed parameter approximation scheme for computing an approximate equilibrium, where the parameters are the number of agents and the approximation accuracy. This provides an answer to an open question by Devanur and Kannan for PLC utilities, and gives a simpler and faster algorithm for matching markets as the one by Alaei, Jalaly and Tardos (EC 2017). The main technical idea is to work with the stronger concept of thrifty equilibria, and approximating the input utility functions by `robust' utilities that have favorable marginal properties. With some restrictions, the results also extend to the Arrow–Debreu exchange market model.


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