Asynchronous Accelerated Proximal Stochastic Gradient for Strongly Convex Distributed Finite Sums

by   Hadrien Hendrikx, et al.

In this work, we study the problem of minimizing the sum of strongly convex functions split over a network of n nodes. We propose the decentralized and asynchronous algorithm ADFS to tackle the case when local functions are themselves finite sums with m components. ADFS converges linearly when local functions are smooth, and matches the rates of the best known finite sum algorithms when executed on a single machine. On several machines, ADFS enjoys a O (√(n)) or O(n) speed-up depending on the leading complexity term as long as the diameter of the network is not too big with respect to m. This also leads to a √(m) speed-up over state-of-the-art distributed batch methods, which is the expected speed-up for finite sum algorithms. In terms of communication times and network parameters, ADFS scales as well as optimal distributed batch algorithms. As a side contribution, we give a generalized version of the accelerated proximal coordinate gradient algorithm using arbitrary sampling that we apply to a well-chosen dual problem to derive ADFS. Yet, ADFS uses primal proximal updates that only require solving one-dimensional problems for many standard machine learning applications. Finally, ADFS can be formulated for non-smooth objectives with equally good scaling properties. We illustrate the improvement of ADFS over state-of-the-art approaches with simulations.


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