Automated identification of metamorphic test scenarios for an ocean-modeling application

by   Dilip J. Hiremath, et al.

Metamorphic testing seeks to validate software in the absence of test oracles. Our application domain is ocean modeling, where test oracles often do not exist, but where symmetries of the simulated physical systems are known. In this short paper we present work in progress for automated generation of metamorphic test scenarios using machine learning. Metamorphic testing may be expressed as f(g(X))=h(f(X)) with f being the application under test, with input data X, and with the metamorphic relation (g, h). Automatically generated metamorphic relations can be used for constructing regression tests, and for comparing different versions of the same software application. Here, we restrict to h being the identity map. Then, the task of constructing tests means finding different g which we tackle using machine learning algorithms. These algorithms typically minimize a cost function. As one possible g is already known to be the identity map, for finding a second possible g, we construct the cost function to minimize for g being a metamorphic relation and to penalize for g being the identity map. After identifying the first metamorphic relation, the procedure is repeated with a cost function rewarding g that are orthogonal to previously found metamorphic relations. For experimental evaluation, two implementations of an ocean-modeling application will be subjected to the proposed method with the objective of presenting the use of metamorphic relations to test the implementations of the applications.


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