Automated OCT Segmentation for Images with DME

by   Sohini Roychowdhury, et al.

This paper presents a novel automated system that segments six sub-retinal layers from optical coherence tomography (OCT) image stacks of healthy patients and patients with diabetic macular edema (DME). First, each image in the OCT stack is denoised using a Wiener deconvolution algorithm that estimates the additive speckle noise variance using a novel Fourier-domain based structural error. This denoising method enhances the image SNR by an average of 12dB. Next, the denoised images are subjected to an iterative multi-resolution high-pass filtering algorithm that detects seven sub-retinal surfaces in six iterative steps. The thicknesses of each sub-retinal layer for all scans from a particular OCT stack are then compared to the manually marked groundtruth. The proposed system uses adaptive thresholds for denoising and segmenting each image and hence it is robust to disruptions in the retinal micro-structure due to DME. The proposed denoising and segmentation system has an average error of 1.2-5.8 μ m and 3.5-26μ m for segmenting sub-retinal surfaces in normal and abnormal images with DME, respectively. For estimating the sub-retinal layer thicknesses, the proposed system has an average error of 0.2-2.5 μ m and 1.8-18 μ m in normal and abnormal images, respectively. Additionally, the average inner sub-retinal layer thickness in abnormal images is estimated as 275μ m (r=0.92) with an average error of 9.3 μ m, while the average thickness of the outer layers in abnormal images is estimated as 57.4μ m (r=0.74) with an average error of 3.5 μ m. The proposed system can be useful for tracking the disease progression for DME over a period of time.


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