Bayesian inference on Brain-Computer Interface using the GLASS Model

by   Bangyao Zhao, et al.

The brain-computer interface (BCI) enables individuals with severe physical impairments to communicate with the world. BCIs offer computational neuroscience opportunities and challenges in converting real-time brain activities to computer commands and are typically framed as a classification problem. This article focuses on the P300 BCI that uses the event-related potential (ERP) BCI design, where the primary challenge is classifying target/non-target stimuli. We develop a novel Gaussian latent group model with sparse time-varying effects (GLASS) for making Bayesian inferences on the P300 BCI. GLASS adopts a multinomial regression framework that directly addresses the dataset imbalance in BCI applications. The prior specifications facilitate i) feature selection and noise reduction using soft-thresholding, ii) smoothing of the time-varying effects using global shrinkage, and iii) clustering of latent groups to alleviate high spatial correlations of EEG data. We develop an efficient gradient-based variational inference (GBVI) algorithm for posterior computation and provide a user-friendly Python module available at The application of GLASS identifies important EEG channels (PO8, Oz, PO7, Pz, C3) that align with existing literature. GLASS further reveals a group effect from channels in the parieto-occipital region (PO8, Oz, PO7), which is validated in cross-participant analysis.


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