Bayesian Over-The-Air Computation

by   Yulin Shao, et al.

Analog over-the-air computation (OAC) is an efficient solution to a class of uplink data aggregation tasks over a multiple-access channel (MAC), wherein the receiver, dubbed the fusion center, aims to reconstruct a function of the data distributed at edge devices rather than the individual data themselves. Existing OAC relies exclusively on the maximum likelihood (ML) estimation at the fusion center to recover the arithmetic sum of the transmitted signals from different devices. ML estimation, however, is much susceptible to noise. In particular, in the misaligned OAC where there are channel misalignments among transmitted signals, ML estimation suffers from severe error propagation and noise enhancement. To address these challenges, this paper puts forth a Bayesian approach for OAC by letting each edge device transmit two pieces of prior information to the fusion center. Three OAC systems are studied: the aligned OAC with perfectly-aligned signals; the synchronous OAC with misaligned channel gains among the received signals; and the asynchronous OAC with both channel-gain and time misalignments. Using the prior information, we devise linear minimum mean squared error (LMMSE) estimators and a sum-product maximum a posteriori (SP-MAP) estimator for the three OAC systems. Numerical results verify that, 1) For the aligned and synchronous OAC, our LMMSE estimator significantly outperforms the ML estimator. In the low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) regime, the LMMSE estimator reduces the mean squared error (MSE) by at least 6 dB; in the high SNR regime, the LMMSE estimator lowers the error floor on the MSE by 86.4 estimators are on an equal footing in terms of the MSE performance, and are significantly better than the ML estimator.


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