Bimodal Stereo: Joint Shape and Pose Estimation from Color-Depth Image Pair

by   Chi Zhang, et al.

Mutual calibration between color and depth cameras is a challenging topic in multi-modal data registration. In this paper, we are confronted with a "Bimodal Stereo" problem, which aims to solve camera pose from a pair of an uncalibrated color image and a depth map from different views automatically. To address this problem, an iterative Shape-from-Shading (SfS) based framework is proposed to estimate shape and pose simultaneously. In the pipeline, the estimated shape is refined by the shape prior from the given depth map under the estimated pose. Meanwhile, the estimated pose is improved by the registration of estimated shape and shape from given depth map. We also introduce a shading based refinement in the pipeline to address noisy depth map with holes. Extensive experiments showed that through our method, both the depth map, the recovered shape as well as its pose can be desirably refined and recovered.


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