Blockchain-enabled Parametric Solar Energy Insurance via Remote Sensing

by   Mingyu Hao, et al.

Despite its popularity, the nature of solar energy is highly uncertain and weather dependent, affecting the business viability and investment of solar energy generation, especially for household users. To stabilize the income from solar energy generation, there have been limited traditional options, such as using energy storage to pool excessive solar energy in off-peak periods or financial derivatives from future markets to hedge energy prices. In this paper, we explore a novel idea of "parametric solar energy insurance", by which solar panel owners can insure their solar energy generation based on a verifiable geographically specific index (surface solar irradiation). Parametric solar energy insurance offers opportunities of financial subsidies for insufficient solar energy generation and amortizes the fluctuations of renewable energy generation geographically. Furthermore, we propose to leverage blockchain and remote sensing (satellite imagery) to provide a publicly verifiable platform for solar energy insurance, which not only automates the underwriting and claims of a solar energy insurance policy, but also improves its accountability and transparency. We utilize the state-of-the-art succinct zero-knowledge proofs (zk-SNARK) to realize privacy-preserving blockchain-based solar energy insurance on real-world permissionless blockchain platform Ethereum.


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