Brute-Force Facial Landmark Analysis With A 140,000-Way Classifier

by   Mengtian Li, et al.

We propose a simple approach to visual alignment, focusing on the illustrative task of facial landmark estimation. While most prior work treats this as a regression problem, we instead formulate it as a discrete K-way classification task, where a classifier is trained to return one of K discrete alignments. One crucial benefit of a classifier is the ability to report back a (softmax) distribution over putative alignments. We demonstrate that this distribution is a rich representation that can be marginalized (to generate uncertainty estimates over groups of landmarks) and conditioned on (to incorporate top-down context, provided by temporal constraints in a video stream or an interactive human user). Such capabilities are difficult to integrate into classic regression-based approaches. We study performance as a function of the number of classes K, including the extreme "exemplar class" setting where K is equal to the number of training examples (140K in our setting). Perhaps surprisingly, we show that classifiers can still be learned in this setting.


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