CAE v2: Context Autoencoder with CLIP Target
Masked image modeling (MIM) learns visual representation by masking and reconstructing image patches. Applying the reconstruction supervision on the CLIP representation has been proven effective for MIM. However, it is still under-explored how CLIP supervision in MIM influences performance. To investigate strategies for refining the CLIP-targeted MIM, we study two critical elements in MIM, i.e., the supervision position and the mask ratio, and reveal two interesting perspectives, relying on our developed simple pipeline, context autodecoder with CLIP target (CAE v2). Firstly, we observe that the supervision on visible patches achieves remarkable performance, even better than that on masked patches, where the latter is the standard format in the existing MIM methods. Secondly, the optimal mask ratio positively correlates to the model size. That is to say, the smaller the model, the lower the mask ratio needs to be. Driven by these two discoveries, our simple and concise approach CAE v2 achieves superior performance on a series of downstream tasks. For example, a vanilla ViT-Large model achieves 81.7 accuracy on linear probing and fine-tuning on ImageNet-1K, and 55.9 semantic segmentation on ADE20K with the pre-training for 300 epochs. We hope our findings can be helpful guidelines for the pre-training in the MIM area, especially for the small-scale models.