Checkpointing and Migration of IoT Edge Functions

by   Pekka Karhula, et al.

The serverless and functions as a service (FaaS) paradigms are currently trending among cloud providers and are now increasingly being applied to the network edge, and to the Internet of Things (IoT) devices. The benefits include reduced latency for communication, less network traffic and increased privacy for data processing. However, there are challenges as IoT devices have limited resources for running multiple simultaneous containerized functions, and also FaaS does not typically support long-running functions. Our implementation utilizes Docker and CRIU for checkpointing and suspending long-running blocking functions. The results show that checkpointing is slightly slower than regular Docker pause, but it saves memory and allows for more long-running functions to be run on an IoT device. Furthermore, the resulting checkpoint files are small, hence they are suitable for live migration and backing up stateful functions, therefore improving availability and reliability of the system.


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