Classical and quantum Merlin-Arthur automata

by   Abuzer Yakaryılmaz, et al.

We introduce Merlin-Arthur (MA) automata as Merlin provides a single certificate and it is scanned by Arthur before reading the input. We define Merlin-Arthur deterministic, probabilistic, and quantum finite state automata (resp., MA-DFAs, MA-PFAs, MA-QFAs) and postselecting MA-PFAs and MA-QFAs (resp., MA-PostPFA and MA-PostQFA). We obtain several results using different certificate lengths. We show that MA-DFAs use constant length certificates, and they are equivalent to multi-entry DFAs. Thus, they recognize all and only regular languages but can be exponential and polynomial state efficient over binary and unary languages, respectively. With sublinear length certificates, MA-PFAs can recognize several nonstochastic unary languages with cutpoint 1/2. With linear length certificates, MA-PostPFAs recognize the same nonstochastic unary languages with bounded error. With arbitrarily long certificates, bounded-error MA-PostPFAs verify every unary decidable language. With sublinear length certificates, bounded-error MA-PostQFAs verify several nonstochastic unary languages. With linear length certificates, they can verify every unary language and some NP-complete binary languages. With exponential length certificates, they can verify every binary language.


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