Conditional Image Generation for Learning the Structure of Visual Objects

by   Tomas Jakab, et al.

In this paper, we consider the problem of learning landmarks for object categories without any manual annotations. We cast this as the problem of conditionally generating an image of an object from another one, where the images differ by acquisition time and/or viewpoint. The process is aided by providing the generator with a keypoint-like representation extracted from the target image through a tight bottleneck. This encourages the representation to distil information about the object geometry, which changes from source to target, while the appearance, which is shared between the source and target, is read off from the source alone. Conditioning simplifies the generation task significantly, to the point that adopting a simple perceptual loss instead of more sophisticated approaches such as adversarial training is sufficient to learn landmarks. We show that our method is applicable to a large variety of datasets - faces, people, 3D objects, and digits - without any modifications. We further demonstrate that we can learn landmarks from synthetic image deformations or videos, all without manual supervision, while outperforming state-of-the-art unsupervised landmark detectors.


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