Constraint-based type inference for FreezeML
FreezeML is a new approach to first-class polymorphic type inference that employs term annotations to control when and how polymorphic types are instantiated and generalised. It conservatively extends Hindley-Milner type inference and was first presented as an extension to Algorithm W. More modern type inference techniques such as HM(X) and OutsideIn(X) employ constraints to support features such as type classes, type families, rows, and other extensions. We take the first step towards modernising FreezeML by presenting a constraint-based type inference algorithm. We introduce a new constraint language, inspired by the Pottier/Rémy presentation of HM(X), in order to allow FreezeML type inference problems to be expressed as constraints. We present a deterministic stack machine for solving FreezeML constraints and prove its termination and correctness.