Continuous Sweep: an improved, binary quantifier
Quantification is a supervised machine learning task, focused on estimating the class prevalence of a dataset rather than labeling its individual observations. We introduce Continuous Sweep, a new parametric binary quantifier inspired by the well-performing Median Sweep. Median Sweep is currently one of the best binary quantifiers, but we have changed this quantifier on three points, namely 1) using parametric class distributions instead of empirical distributions, 2) optimizing decision boundaries instead of applying discrete decision rules, and 3) calculating the mean instead of the median. We derive analytic expressions for the bias and variance of Continuous Sweep under general model assumptions. This is one of the first theoretical contributions in the field of quantification learning. Moreover, these derivations enable us to find the optimal decision boundaries. Finally, our simulation study shows that Continuous Sweep outperforms Median Sweep in a wide range of situations.