CPM R-CNN: Calibrating Point-guided Misalignment in Object Detection

by   Bin Zhu, et al.

In object detection, offset-guided and point-guided regression dominate anchor-based and anchor-free method separately. Recently, point-guided approach is introduced to anchor-based method. However, we observe points predicted by this way are misaligned with matched region of proposals and score of localization, causing a notable gap in performance. In this paper, we propose CPM R-CNN which contains three efficient modules to optimize anchor-based point-guided method. According to sufficient evaluations on the COCO dataset, CPM R-CNN is demonstrated efficient to improve the localization accuracy by calibrating mentioned misalignment. Compared with Faster R-CNN and Grid R-CNN based on ResNet-101 with FPN, our approach can substantially improve detection mAP by 3.3 best model achieves improvement by a large margin to 49.9 Code and models will be publicly available.


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