Cross-Image Context Matters for Bongard Problems

by   Nikhil Raghuraman, et al.

Current machine learning methods struggle to solve Bongard problems, which are a type of IQ test that requires deriving an abstract "concept" from a set of positive and negative "support" images, and then classifying whether or not a new query image depicts the key concept. On Bongard-HOI, a benchmark for natural-image Bongard problems, existing methods have only reached 66 (where chance is 50 ability to find human-like symbolic rules. In this work, we point out that many existing methods are forfeiting accuracy due to a much simpler problem: they do not incorporate information contained in the support set as a whole, and rely instead on information extracted from individual supports. This is a critical issue, because unlike in few-shot learning tasks concerning object classification, the "key concept" in a typical Bongard problem can only be distinguished using multiple positives and multiple negatives. We explore a variety of simple methods to take this cross-image context into account, and demonstrate substantial gains over prior methods, leading to new state-of-the-art performance on Bongard-LOGO (75.3 and strong performance on the original Bongard problem set (60.84


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