Decidable (Ac)counting with Parikh and Muller: Adding Presburger Arithmetic to Monadic Second-Order Logic over Tree-Interpretable Structures

by   Luisa Herrmann, et al.

We propose ωMSOBAPA, an expressive logic for describing countable structures, which subsumes and transcends both Counting Monadic Second-Order Logic (CMSO) and Boolean Algebra with Presburger Arithmetic (BAPA). We show that satisfiability of ωMSOBAPA is decidable over the class of labeled infinite binary trees. This result is established by an elaborate multi-step transformation into a particular normal form, followed by the deployment of Parikh-Muller Tree Automata, a novel kind of automaton for infinite labeled binary trees, integrating and generalizing both Muller and Parikh automata while still exhibiting a decidable (in fact PSpace-complete) emptiness problem. By means of MSO-interpretations, we lift the decidability result to all tree-interpretable classes of structures, including the classes of finite/countable structures of bounded treewidth/cliquewidth/partitionwidth. We observe that satisfiability over (finite or infinite) labeled trees becomes undecidable even for a rather mild extension of ωMSOBAPA.


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