Deep and Shallow convections in Atmosphere Models on Intel Xeon Phi Coprocessor Systems
Deep and shallow convection calculations occupy significant times in atmosphere models. These calculations also present significant load imbalances due to varying cloud covers over different regions of the grid. In this work, we accelerate these calculations on Intel Xeon Phi Coprocessor Systems. By employing dynamic scheduling in OpenMP, we demonstrate large reductions in load imbalance and about 10 increase in speedups. By careful categorization of data as private, firstprivate and shared, we minimize data copying overheads for the coprocessors. We identify regions of false sharing among threads and eliminate them by loop rearrangements. We also employ proportional partitioning of independent column computations across both the CPU and coprocessor cores based on the performance ratio of the computations on the heterogeneous resources. These techniques along with various vectorization strategies resulted in about 30