Deep Multi-Representation Model for Click-Through Rate Prediction
Click-Through Rate prediction (CTR) is a crucial task in recommender systems, and it gained considerable attention in the past few years. The primary purpose of recent research emphasizes obtaining meaningful and powerful representations through mining low and high feature interactions using various components such as Deep Neural Networks (DNN), CrossNets, or transformer blocks. In this work, we propose the Deep Multi-Representation model (DeepMR) that jointly trains a mixture of two powerful feature representation learning components, namely DNNs and multi-head self-attentions. Furthermore, DeepMR integrates the novel residual with zero initialization (ReZero) connections to the DNN and the multi-head self-attention components for learning superior input representations. Experiments on three real-world datasets show that the proposed model significantly outperforms all state-of-the-art models in the task of click-through rate prediction.