DejaVu: Conditional Regenerative Learning to Enhance Dense Prediction

by   Shubhankar Borse, et al.

We present DejaVu, a novel framework which leverages conditional image regeneration as additional supervision during training to improve deep networks for dense prediction tasks such as segmentation, depth estimation, and surface normal prediction. First, we apply redaction to the input image, which removes certain structural information by sparse sampling or selective frequency removal. Next, we use a conditional regenerator, which takes the redacted image and the dense predictions as inputs, and reconstructs the original image by filling in the missing structural information. In the redacted image, structural attributes like boundaries are broken while semantic context is largely preserved. In order to make the regeneration feasible, the conditional generator will then require the structure information from the other input source, i.e., the dense predictions. As such, by including this conditional regeneration objective during training, DejaVu encourages the base network to learn to embed accurate scene structure in its dense prediction. This leads to more accurate predictions with clearer boundaries and better spatial consistency. When it is feasible to leverage additional computation, DejaVu can be extended to incorporate an attention-based regeneration module within the dense prediction network, which further improves accuracy. Through extensive experiments on multiple dense prediction benchmarks such as Cityscapes, COCO, ADE20K, NYUD-v2, and KITTI, we demonstrate the efficacy of employing DejaVu during training, as it outperforms SOTA methods at no added computation cost.


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