Delay Parameter Selection in Permutation Entropy Using Topological Data Analysis

by   Audun D. Myers, et al.

Permutation Entropy (PE) is a powerful tool for quantifying the predictability of a sequence which includes measuring the regularity of a time series. Despite its successful application in a variety of scientific domains, PE requires a judicious choice of the delay parameter τ. While another parameter of interest in PE is the motif dimension n, Typically n is selected between 4 and 8 with 5 or 6 giving optimal results for the majority of systems. Therefore, in this work we focus solely on choosing the delay parameter. Selecting τ is often accomplished using trial and error guided by the expertise of domain scientists. However, in this paper, we show that persistent homology, the flag ship tool from Topological Data Analysis (TDA) toolset, provides an approach for the automatic selection of τ. We evaluate the successful identification of a suitable τ from our TDA-based approach by comparing our results to a variety of examples in published literature.


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