Detecting Alzheimer's Disease by estimating attention and elicitation path through the alignment of spoken picture descriptions with the picture prompt
Cognitive decline is a sign of Alzheimer's disease (AD), and there is evidence that tracking a person's eye movement, using eye tracking devices, can be used for the automatic identification of early signs of cognitive decline. However, such devices are expensive and may not be easy-to-use for people with cognitive problems. In this paper, we present a new way of capturing similar visual features, by using the speech of people describing the Cookie Theft picture - a common cognitive testing task - to identify regions in the picture prompt that will have caught the speaker's attention and elicited their speech. After aligning the automatically recognised words with different regions of the picture prompt, we extract information inspired by eye tracking metrics such as coordinates of the area of interests (AOI)s, time spent in AOI, time to reach the AOI, and the number of AOI visits. Using the DementiaBank dataset we train a binary classifier (AD vs. healthy control) using 10-fold cross-validation and achieve an 80 of the automatic speech recogniser (ASR); this achieved around 72 timing information from the ASR outputs.